
but imagine it being just as good for our furry friends

Coconut Oil For Pets

Many reasons exist as to why you would like to use coconut oil for pets. Our pets are our family and we want more than anything for them to be happy and healthy. Organic coconut oil is good for all of us, but imagine it being just as good for our furry friends!! It breaks our hearts to find out our pets are sick and suffering. This article is about how coconut oil for pets will keep your furry friends happy and healthy.
Coconut oil for pets is really great for the general wellness of dogs, cats, and even ferrets. I even read somewhere that a lady put some in her bird's water dish. It's always a good idea to check with your pets veterinarian. Nevertheless, the recommended dosage is 1/4 teaspoon every ten pounds of weight, two tmes a day. You can add it to their water or food bowl and they won't even mind the flavor. In fact, they will probably think you're giving them a treat.
Coconut oil for pets is great for their general wellness. I would say it's safe for cats, dogs, and even ferrets. Always slowly introduce it to your pet to make sure he doesn't have a food allergy. This is not a medicine but a food, and an allergy to it can be possible. If your pet suffers with digestive problems, this will help with that as well as help them to absorb vitamins and nutrients.
Coconut oil for pets is also really great for arthritis, getting rid of hairballs, coughing, and giving your pet more energy. If your pet is overweight, it will help him to lose those extra pounds by giving him more energy and boosting his metabolism. You see, coconut oil is not stored in the body as fat, but is converted to energy.
Some other ways that coconut oil will help your pets is when it is applied topically. Its anti-fungal properties help protect against yeast and/or fungal infections. It may help to heal wounds, cuts, dry skin, dry hair, bites, and stings. It will improve his skin health, reduce allergies, and clear up skin disorders such as dermatitis and eczema.

